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Racist in Rochester? (Updated)

WHEC Weatherman Jeremy Kappell is catching heat for for what he said.

While talking about speaking over some skating rink video, Kappell said, "Martin Luther coon King park."

Now, living here in North Florida, I have heard a number of racists here say, “Martin Luther coon” and it is disgusting.

Everyone stumbles over words, but it seems hard to make that mistake.

“King” and “Coon” sound nothing alike.

Here’s the video:

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We want to give Kappell the benefit of the doubt, but it’s hard to do so.

As for WHEC, GM Dick Reingold released this statement:

On behalf of News10NBC, I apologize for our broadcast of a racial slur in reference to Martin Luther King, Jr. Park during our Friday evening broadcast (1/4/19). This word has no place on News10NBC’s air, and the fact that we broadcast it disheartens and disgusts me; that it was not caught immediately is inexcusable. I regret that we did not immediately interrupt our broadcast and apologize on the spot.

I am personally investigating how and why this happened. Our Friday broadcast does not represent the values of News10NBC, its hardworking staff, or the great people of Rochester. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of America’s greatest heroes – for whom I, and all of us at News10NBC, have the utmost respect. I am terribly sorry to all of our viewers. We are redoubling our efforts to ensure that this never happens again.

Richard A. Reingold
Vice-President and General Manager

As for what happens Kappell? We can’t answer that question and we don’t know him to know what is in his heart?

But, he is a professional broadcaster and he put the station in a very bad light.

Is a racist? We can’t answer that, but he used a term that I have only heard racist use and say.

Either way, some action should be taken against him.

Just saying….

Update: He’s been fired

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