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Brian Stelter is Ridiculous

When the Today Sow sat down with Omarosa to talk about Donald Trump and play some of her secret recordings, about 9 minutes in, Omarosa told Savanah Guthrie that she needed to wrap up the interview.

It was then at CNN media critic said that Omarosa saying that she had to leave was "ridiculous."

This was his tweet and our reply: 

When the Today Show booked Omarosa, they agreed to a 7 minute interview. When that interview went long, Omarosa told them to wrap it up. 

What was "ridiculous"?

As a network and you agree to a time limit, then shouldn't you live up to that time limit. If you don't agree to a time limit, don't book the interview. 

Not that I want to stick up for Omarosa, but she was staying true to the guidelines that were made before her NBC interview. 

Don't call her "ridiculous" for keeping up her end of the bargain.

BTW- Stelter never responded to our reply. 


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