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A Note from a Viewer

Yesterday, FTVLive shared with you that despite the fact that this website is geared to people that work in and around TV news, we are shocked by the number of regular viewers that read FTVLive.

Yesterday, one of those viewers, sent us this nice email. 


I'm one of those readers of your site who doesn't work in or around TV news.  I first heard of FTVLive on the blog of one of my favorite news people, Greta Van Susteren, when she posted the quote that you often use.  I read and watch a lot of news, and I enjoy the behind-the-scenes information that you report.  As for political news, I appreciate that you are fair with respect to criticizing people at all points of the ideological spectrum.  I am a registered Independent, and I lean conservative.  I get most of my cable news from Fox News, but I don't watch everyone on Fox.  You and I may not agree on many issues, but I'm sure we could have civil discussions about issues without getting nasty (and as Greta would say, we might be surprised about how much we DO agree on).  We could even go to lunch rather than one of us demanding that the other one be banned from a restaurant. 😉

Good luck with your idea for the July 25th day of civility.  I hope it catches on.

Keep up the good work, and give my regards to Rory.

Melinda Romeo
Cleveland, Ohio

Thanks Melinda and about July 25th that she brings up. She is referring to this. 

I reached out to CNN's Brian Stelter and others to see if they would agree to sign onto this idea? So far I have heard nothing back. 

Is anyone surprised? 

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