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Tegna station Looking for a Rock Star

Back in mid-June, FTVLIve told you that Tegna owned KHOU in Houston had parted ways with popular Traffic Anchor Darby Douglas. 

Tegna has since posted an ad for Douglas's old job and it appears that they are doing a complete 180 turn when it comes to the job. 

They station says they are looking for a "Rock Star" that can be their "rock star self" that will not do real journalism, but will give their point of view on stories and on pop culture.

The morning show plans on "breaking all the rules" not just some of them, but "all" of them.

Also, you need to be a "social media superstar" which means your selfie game better be on fleek, you know what I'm saying bro? 

So, in other words, if you love posting selfies and care nothing about Journalism, you might want to rush your resume off to KHOU ASAP. 

Here's the ad: 

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