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Students Want School to Split Ties with Sinclair

Many students and alums at ASU's Walter Cronkite School want to school to split ties with Sinclair and are not happy that they haven't do so. 

"The school hasn't done anything other than releasing a statement," one alum told FTVLive. 

 ASU is still allowing Sinclair to recruit on campus, despite pleas from current and former Cronkite students not to let that happen. 

Cronkite 2015 alumna Lizzy Riecken along with others has written a letter to the school asking them to cut ties. 

“I don’t think there’s a place for that at the Cronkite school,” Riecken said. “I think Cronkite should stand up to them, stand up for the students, stand up for what their professors teach.”

Cronkite Dean Christopher Callahan acknowledged the controversy, but said it will not stop Sinclair from recruiting on campus. 

The school released an email that read in part, “Our first priority is and will always be our students, and we believe limiting employment options – in any way – for students trying to enter a highly competitive field is not in their best interests. Instead, we want to underscore the tremendous faith and confidence we have in our students, taught and guided by our thoughtful, caring and inspiring journalism professors, to gather the facts, analyze them, receive input and counsel from our school and others, and make the best individual decisions for themselves on their careers.” 

In other words, as long as the checks keep clearing the banks, Sinclair will be allowed on campus. 

And that my friends is the real lesson in Today's Journalism and how it works. 

H/T Downtown Devil

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