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Weatherman Says He Will No Longer Predict the Weather

Longtime Philly Weatherman John Bolaris has been out of TV for years. 

But, Bolaris was still delivering weather forecast on social media and other avenues. 

In the latest storm, Bolaris predicted that it would be nothing more than a  "slushy” accumulation.

He was wrong. Philly got slammed and now Bolaris says he will no longer publicly offer a weather forecast again. 

The weatherman turned realtor says he has blown his last forecast. 

He tells Philly Mag, "I just don’t — I can’t give it enough energy. I just don’t have the time. It takes hours upon hours and days upon days of forecasting and verifications, and with my real estate business, I just can’t give the weather, I can’t do it justice and give a good forecast. I was at a building yesterday looking at extractions. I’m about to meet with a client and I’m formulating models. I just can’t do it."

He admits that missing this latest forecast hurt. "I get super-depressed when I can’t do what I do when there’s a storm. I can’t let it go. I try the best I can. March is notoriously tough to forecast for East Coast events. I did analyze it. I did look into it. But I didn’t look into it enough. I didn’t analyze it enough, and there are just certain factors that I did not see."

He might no longer predict the weather, but we don't think for a second that people have heard the last of John Bolaris. There is one thing that he loves more than weather and that's the spotlight. 

You will see and hear from him again. 

That's our prediction and we are sticking with it. 

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