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Phoenix Anchor: CNN Might Have Forged Documents

When a student claimed that CNN had scripted a question for him to ask at a town hall the network did on the Parkland shooting, CNN said it did not. 

The network went so far to release emails showing that they did not do what the kid and his father were claiming. 

The father gave his version of the emails to Fox News and some other conservative outlets. He later admitted that he doctored the emails before handing them to Fox. 

But, when the two versions of the emails were released, KSAZ (Phoenix) Anchor Kari Lake thought maybe it was CNN that was forging the emails to make the kid look bad.  

As we said, the boy's father admitted to changing the emails on his end. 

But, the idea that Lake questioned CNN and actually floated the idea that CNN might have been involved in the forging of emails, is a bit unnerving. 

Does Lake really think that a news organization like CNN would resort to forgery? Obviously, she does. 

If a member of the media is questioning a network, how does that look to the public? 

But, it should be pointed out that Lake is far from an objective Journalist herself. She often lets her conservative views show and has no problem with the President talking about grabbing women by the pussy. 

Lake also was named one of the worst people in TV news. Something the folks at CNN might agree with. 

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