Fox News Paying White House Employee Millions
How close is Fox News and the Trump White House?
One of the top people in the White House is cashing a paycheck from both Fox News and the US Taxpayers.
CNBC reports that Bill Shine, the former Fox News executive and current top communications official under President Trump, received $8.4 million in severance pay from the network's parent company 21st Century Fox after he resigned in May 2017, according to a White House financial disclosure report.
The form also shows that Shine is due bonuses and options for the years 2018 and 2019, each of which are valued at approximately $3.5 million.
The form shows that Shine is still being paid big bucks from Fox, even while holding down his job at the White House:
NBC News reported in 2017 that Bill O'Reilly, the star Fox News prime-time host for over a decade, was paid $25 million as he left the company while facing misconduct allegations.
Ailes reportedly had an exit package worth up to $40 million. He stepped down as Fox News chairman and CEO in July 2016 and died the following May.
Which goes to show, if you want one of the best paying jobs in TV news, you need to get fired by Fox News.