Megyn Kelly Piles on Matt Lauer
When Matt Lauer got sacked from NBC’s Today Show for inappropriate conduct, he went away quietly.
There were a few sightings of Lauer after his firing, but for the most part he has laid very low.
While Lauer’s name and reputation were dragged through the mud and they should have been, former colleague Megyn Kelly hints that there is more.
“I know too much that others don’t know,” Kelly said to Us Weekly.
Not long after Lauer was sacked, Kelly brought one-time Today production assistant Addie Zinone on her show to discuss a sexual relationship Zinone had with Lauer when she was 24.
As for whether she received any negative feedback for featuring Zinone on her hour of the Today lineup? “All I’m going to say is that I feel very strongly about the #MeToo coverage, the importance of doing it without fear or favor,” the TV personality said. “I didn’t let anyone stop me at Fox, and I’m not going to let anyone stop me at NBC.”
We’re guessing that Megyn is not on Matt Lauer’s Christmas card list this year?