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Alisyn Camerota: Is it Time to Start Worrying About Kayne

CNN Anchor Alisyn Camerota thinks it might be time we all start worrying about Kanye West.

Now look, I have a lot on my plate and I worry about many things. In fact I got 99 problems, but Kayne ain’t one.

West was part of the SNL on Saturday night and while he wore his MAGA hat and went on a number of rants. On Sunday, West said maybe it was time to repeal the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery in America.

“I just am wondering if it’s time to start worrying about Kanye because he does go on, sometimes, nonsensical rants,” Camerota said. “He has taken a break for some stress related issues, so I’m concerned.”

If Camerota wants to worry about people going on nonsensical rants, she should worry about Brian Stelter.

Just saying…

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