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Bashing Her Dreams

Word is that CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash wanted to explore the possibility of going to CBS News and Jeff Zucker killed it. 

Word is that Bash wanted to go to a real news operation and approached CNN boss Jeff Zucker about getting out of her contract so she could join CBS's "Face the Nation."

Page Six says that a source says that, “Dana went to Jeff” to ask for the CBS gig to replace host John Dickerson, who recently moved to “CBS This Morning.”But Zucker wouldn’t go for the move and told her he was holding Bash to her contract.

CBS is reportedly interested in installing a female anchor to take over “Face the Nation.”

A recent report said candidates include CBS’s Margaret Brennan, Bianna Golodryga and Nancy Cordes, as well as outside candidate Bash.

Bash has been at CNN for 25 years.

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