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Lexington Sports Anchor Just Wants to Be Herself

WKYT (Lexington) has hired Kailey Mizelle to be their new Sports Anchor and she says that her goal is to be herself.

Not exactly setting the bar very high are we. 

I mean, who else are you going to be? 

Mizelle comes to the station to replace Rob Bromley, who is leaving after 40 years doing the gig. 

“We only got to work together for a month but I was so excited to spend that time with him,” Mizelle said. “You are never going to replace a guy like Rob. Never come into that thinking you are that replacement. No one is going to place Rob. He was very unique in the way he was sportscaster as we all are.

“When you go to station where this person is kind of a legend in sportscasting, you don’t try to replace them. Just try to be yourself. The best advice I got when I was younger was not to be someone else. Just be yourself. The viewer turns into watch you and contacts you provide. If you try to be someone else, you are not giving the viewer what he or she is looking for, which is you and your personality. I am just excited to show my personality and be myself and hope the viewers enjoy.”

She hopes that passion comes through to WKYT-TV viewers. She doesn’t pretend to be Erin Andrews or Sam Ponder, two successful national sports personalities. She’s just Kailey Mizelle.

“I put a lot of personality into my sports. When I am on air, I am myself. I am not a robot. I am just trying to be myself and hope people enjoy what they see,” the WKYT anchor said.

H/T The Ledger Independent

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