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Does Your News Director Do This?

The website Business Insider has put together a list of the signs that you are a good boss. 

After reading the list, I wondered, how many News Directors do any of these things that are on the list? 

Here are a few of their thoughts on what makes a good boss: 

You treat your employees like human beings - Unfortunately, some bosses seem to feel that hurling insults and abuse at people is an effective motivational technique. In most cases, this simply isn't true. If you value your employees as human beings, then you're already a huge step above many managers.

You don't have obvious favorites - Playing favorites is a great way to torpedo office morale. If you make it clear that a certain person is the apple of your eye no matter what, then that'll just encourage your other employees to give up on trying to impress you.

You explain yourself - Good managers don't expect anyone to read their minds. They outline a clear vision and provide their team with the knowledge and tools to achieve it.

You're a good listener - Many people have had a manager who loved to talk. Rarer — and infinitely more appreciated — are those bosses who are quality listeners. Good listening skills shows your employees that you're seriously considering their opinions and needs.

Here's the full list and it might be a good idea in the New Year to try and put some of these ideas into practice.

Just saying.... 

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