We Get It....She's Old
Obviously, there was not much news going on in Cincinnati and WCPO needed to fill up some space on their website.
So, the Scripps station talked about what has changed in and around the Natty since Anchor Kathrine Nero came to the station in 1998.
Yep, Captin Nero.....errrrr.... Kathrine Nero has been at WCPO for 20 years. Did you know that during Nero's time the Purple People Bridge wasn't for people -- or purple? No really, that's true.
When she joined the station, Cincinnati was a two-newspaper town. It's not anymore. And, Newport on the Levee wasn't a thing. I'm guessing it is now a thing. Whatever a "thing" is.
Anyway, the station goes on and on about how things have changed since Kathrine Nero joined the station.
In a way, I guess it's just their way of telling Kathrine that she's old.
Aren't we all?