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Brace For Impact

As you know FTVLive updates every day, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays, we're here bringing you the news about TV news.

You can expect us to do the same this weekend, as we have not taken off a single day this year. 

But, there is a good chance by Monday morning that FTVLive will be in the dark and it might be that way for awhile. 

The FTVLive Intern is posted up in a secure location and will try and keep the site updated while we will be working hard to stay online. 

I will do my best to keep you informed and tell you what is happening as Irma makes her way into Florida. 

I plan to embed my Twitter feed at the top of FTVLive and keep you informed that way as much as I can.

Today will be another day of preps and get ready for Irma's visit. The area close to me is under a mandatory evacuation, but I'm not in that zone. Not that I would be leaving anyway. 

Irma is going to have a huge impact on Florida. It is expected that the devastation will be extensive and people are going to die. 

In 20+ years in Florida, I have never seen people this scared of a storm.

Authorities tell you to leave, but there is no gas, so how are you supposed to do that? They tell you to get plenty of water, but all the stores are sold out. 

After the storm passes, Donald Trump and other politicians will fly into the area and claim that everything is going great. But, where was the government before the storm? You can tell people to leave all you want, but with no gas, how is that possible? 

Maybe the politicians should have had gas trucks flocking into the state to help out. Just a thought. 

To the news people covering the storm, stay safe and remember the story is about the people of Florida, it's not about you. 

Take the time to tell their story, don't worry about standing in the middle of high winds and crashing waves because you think it will look good on your demo reel. I can assure you, good Journalism will impress your future boss. much more than you getting blown around. It's been done before over and over and it's no longer cool to stand and talk in a Hurricane. 

Try to tone down the selfies as well Remember there are a number of people that will be losing their homes, their cars and sadly their lives. 

This is your chance to show that the media is not fake news, not superficial and not the enemy.  

As for the rest of the country, have a great weekend and we hope to see you on the other side. 

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