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Live Long and Prosper

It wasn't exactly a "must run" like Sinclair, but it was strongly suggested to the CBS O&O News Directors. 

CBS has started producing STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and the twist is that the new show is available on CBS's streaming service CBS All Access and not over the air. 

The CBS O&O News Directors got an email from corporate asking (telling?) them that they should run a story about the new show on their newscast.  

FTVLive obtained the internal email and has posted it below: 

From: Nelson, Mike - CTS
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 2:34 PM
To: Bell, Tom M; Bending, Gail ; Dallman, Bill ; Friend, David <dfriend@cbs.com>; Goldberg, Joel D (WCBS-TV) ; Green, Johnny ; Kiernan, Jeff ;
Linaberger, Anne; Parquet-Taylor, Andrea ; Roldan, Liz ; Rosenheim, Dan; Wieland, Tim; Wilson, John M; McKenzie, Stephen P ; Benson, Angela K
Cc: Friend, David; Tindiglia, Nicole; Dallman, Bill
Subject: Important - Star Trek: Discovery
Following up on a conversation with David, we would like to ask that you give strong consideration to airing a story produced by KCBS which previews STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and explains how fans can watch the series on CBS All Access.  The story is available on Newspath – please see details below.
The series and CBS All Access are extremely high priorities for our company, so your support would be very much appreciated.  
Feel free to air the story whenever you like, keeping in mind that the premiere on the Network is this Sunday night (Sept. 24), following 60 MINUTES.  Also, please feel free to have one of your own anchors or reporters track the story.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks in advance for anything you can do to help!
Live Long and Prosper!

See this content in the original post