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DC News Director Vows to Stop Watching His Own Station

Fox has paid billions of dollars to the NFL in order to broadcast their games on their network. 

But, the News Director at the Fox O&O in Washington, DC says he is no longer going to watch the NFL, which means he will be turning off his own station on Sundays. 

WTTG News Director Paul McGonagle was not happy seeing a number of NFL players "taking a knee" during the national anthem on Sunday.

Here are a couple of the tweets he sent out.  

We find it a bit scary that a News Director, who should be at the front of the line behind the first amendment, is questioning people for exercising their first amendment right.  

It's very, very easy to stand up for the first amendment when someone's beliefs are just like yours. It's a whole new ball game when they feel the complete opposite that you do.  

On a personal note, I am not a fan of athletes or anyone else not standing for the national anthem and God knows as long as able to get on my feet, I can assure you I will stand. 

But, I also respect those who are not standing because of their beliefs. 

McGonagle says that it disrespects the people that fought and died for this country. But, isn't this exactly why these people served and died? Didn't they fight so people can have the freedom to stand up for what they believe in? 

When someone waves the flag, you're all in...when they burn the flag you say it's wrong. 

Freedom of the press and freedom of the people. Someone like McGonagle should embrace this to the bitter end. 

The same freedom that gives these athletes the right to kneel is the same freedom that gives McGonagle the right to say he doesn't like it.

But as a Journalist, it's not the best idea to do it on social media. Your job dictates that you cover the news objectively.  

How would McGonagle handle it if one of his Anchors tweeted his support of the NFL players taking a knee? Would that be OK? I'm guessing if the talent tweeted the same viewers as McGonagle, it would be more than fine. 

You might not respect the NFL or the players Paul, but you should respect the first amendment.

You're a TV News Director in the nation's capital for God's sakes. 

By the way, Rupert Murdoch is on line 1 to ask you why you tweeting about not watching your own station. 

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