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Dallas Anchor Off the Air

You might not want to tell WFAA Morning Anchor Ron Corning to "break a leg."

Corning took a nasty fall coming down hard on his left knee while in Santa Fe, NM over the weekend.

Corning took to Facebook, to tell viewers what happened and that he won't be on the air for a while.  "Yesterday morning during a house tour I wiped out on a slippery concrete deck and came down squarely on my left knee." Corning wrote. "911, ambulance, 3-hour surgery, full-length straight-leg cast for 6 weeks."

There's a long road of rehab ahead for Corning, who will be off the show this week while he recovers from surgery.

"You just never know how quickly life can throw us a curve ball. Thanks to my friends here who gave up all their plans to see me through this, my WFAA family for their support, and everyone back home who has stepped up to help me when I get back." 


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