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Headed to Albany?

On Friday, FTVLive FIRST told you that after 5 years as WHTM's (Harrisburg) News Director, David Jones is out the door. 

Jones started at the station as the Deuce and was bumped up to the ND job after a year. For the past 5+ years he has held that job. 

Sources tell FTVLive that Jones left the Nexstar station and will resurface in Albany, at Hubbard's WNYT. Word is that Jones was picked over an internal guy for the job after the last ND, Eric Hoppel resigned in March. 

He will be competing against WTEN which is owned by Nexstar. He will also be going up against WRGB, which is owned by Sinclair. 

Should be an easy gig going up against two cheap stations like that. 

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