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Zucker: Trump Wanted to give Fox News Exclusive Television Rights to His Inauguration

CNN boss Jeff Zucker claims that at one point Donald Trump wanted to give Fox News the exclusive television rights to his inauguration. 

In a story in NY Times magazine, it reads, shortly before Trump was sworn in, Zucker heard that he was considering giving Fox News exclusive rights to televise the inauguration and that [son-in-law and top adviser Jared] Kushner was in the process of brokering a deal with Rupert Murdoch, whom Kushner once courted as a mentor. Zucker called Trump. “Bottom line is that I said, ‘This is crazy,’ ” Zucker recalls. “You’re just going to give your inaugural coverage to your base of support? It makes no sense.”

Fox News was quick to deny that such a deal was possible.

“There is no possibility of this ever happening given FOX News is part of the White House pool and the entire Inauguration is always divided up between the members of the pool ― NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and FOX News ― and each network takes on different responsibilities,” a Fox News spokesperson said in an email. 

A spokesman for Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), who was most recently chairman of the committee, said there was no discussion about giving Fox News exclusive television rights. 

Spokespeople from CNN and the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. 

So, was Zucker just making up "fake news" or did this really happen? 

We report. You decide. 

H/T HuffPo

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