Dear FCC
Since the term "Fake News" is white hot right now, the Columbia Journalism Review put in an FOI request to see letters from viewers that used the phrase "fake news".
Here is a sample of what some viewers have written to the FCC:
February 15, 2017, South Carolina: The Mainstream Media news outlets are obviously trying to undermine our President and our nation by inundating the public with fake news, misleading stories, and one-sided biased interviews and spokespeople. It is most apparent on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS, but also print media like the New York Times and Washington Post. For the sake of our nation, I hope you will get them to develop a balanced and unbiased approach to the news they report.
December 10, 2016, Nebraska: All news stations must be censored or fined when they continuously lie, obfuscate and misdirect intentionally. The most egregious of these is CNN, but ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC et al are equally guilty, particularly on the “hands up, don’t shoot” debacle perpetuated across the board. Then there is the abject collusion between so- called “independent” news stations and the DNC during the recent election coverage. Certainly Brian Williams should be banned completely from EVER appearing on a so-called “news” station.
January 12, 2017, Massachusetts: CNN constantly broadcasting fake news and broadcasting news from a agenda point of view…Especially thru the recent presidential election and now daily broadcasting in fact check statements…Notice how I state broadcasting and not reporting, Real reporters deserve full credit when they report the truth! CNN SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
November 15, 2016, Colorado: With Google and Facebook’s announcement of no longer allowing “fake news” or “propaganda” to appear in AdSense. That is completely understandable and somewhat commendable that they are attempting to stop the spread of biased or untrue news. However, the inclusiOn of certain sources such as Infowars seems a little extreme if they are not going to include such publications as New York Times or Washington Post. There are several editorials that are not clearly marked as such that the mainstream news networks such as CBS and NBC then air on their various news programs as if it is news and not opinion. This move by Facebook and Google feels like discrimination to me.
March 15, 2017, Michigan: Yesterday Rachel Maddow aired on 9pm eastern on MSNBC stolen tax return of President Donald Trump. I believe both news organizations are publishing fake news, stolen tax records and are no longer serving the public interest. As a tax payer I am requesting the FCC to have a full investigation of these licenses for violations of any FCC rules or regulations governing their transmissions. It is my belief that they are no longer serving the public interest.
February 20, 2017, Oregon: The Fox news network has been generating fake news for many years. Fox is no better than a tabloid network. Example 1: Greg Phillips has claimed, without substantiation, that Donald Trump won the popular vote in the 2016 Presidential election by over 3,000,000 votes. In addition, Phillips claims that these votes came from ‘illegal’ aliens…Example 2: On a Tucker Carlson show a clip of a film by Ami Horowitz blamed immigrants to Sweden as causing violence. The allegations by Horowitz have been debunked…Fox should be required to issue retractions for every single fake ‘news’ item. Additionally, Fox should be required to dismiss each and every single person who created fake ‘news’, and fine the network appropriately. Next, Fox should be required to hire an independent agent who will review news items for truth and accuracy and has option to cancel news article. Finally, Fox will be placed on warning that should any further broadcast of fake ‘news’ without immediate retraction or correction will result in the revocation of their license to operate.
March 10, 2017, Illinois: This week Fox News went out of their way to support expert on Swedish National Security, who is a convicted fellon. They gave him a job title that does not exist and Nils Bildt himself have stated that it was a Fox News Editor who decided to give him that title…The man is not a Swedish National Security Advisor, he does not live in Sweden and he is not affiliated in any way what so ever with the government or intelligence in Sweden…It is worrisome when news stations deliberately create fake stories to help their own agenda. We need to be able to trust the news. It is even more worrisome that Fox News refuses retracting the story and apologize…After this incidence we have seen a rise in violence against ethnic minorities and has participated in causing incidences such as the shooting of an indian man in Kansas the day after.
These letters prove two things. One, viewers have really caught on to this whole "fake news" fad. And two, some people have waaaaay too much time on their hands.