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Tegna Is Two-Faced on Digital

Back in 2015, when Gannett renamed their broadcast group to Tegna, they preached that they were now a digital first company. 

The company claimed that it is a "digital company first" and the news comes second. 

But looking at the pay structure back then, it does not show that to be the case in salaries. 

Let's look at the salary information from Tegna owned WTSP in Tampa for 2015. 

You can see that then Digital Director Theresa Collington was budgeted to make $97,182 for 2015. The next highest paid in the web department was making just $62,000 a year. 

Then WTSP News Director Peter Roghaar was making over $200,000 and the Assistant News Director was making $114,000.

Those two people on the "news side" were making as much as the top 5 in digital. 

If you are a "digital first" company, wouldn't you expect that to be reflected in what you pay the staff? 

BTW- Roghaar has since moved onto the sales department and as for Collington, she left the station after this incident. 

Just asking.... 

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