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Ted Koppel: This Business Has Changed

Ted Koppel (Google who he is kids) says that the job of Journalism has changed and he doesn't think it's for the better. 

Koppel spoke at Trinity University, saying that back in the day when he filed stories, "...my script would be read by the executive producer, by a senior producer, by a fact-checker, before I could put it on the air,” he said. “And I felt wonderful about that.”

He added that “a nation like ours cannot survive in freedom if we are incapable of agreeing on something as simple as what is factual.”

He also urged media outlets to focus on fact-based reporting rather than analysis.

“I believe it is the responsibility of journalists at this time in our history to do what has been their responsibility throughout every other time in history,” Koppel said. “And that is to report the facts. And get away from all the analysis.”

“Report what’s important, report it accurately, get it fact-checked, make sure that what you’re saying is right,” Koppel said. “And then let the chips fall.”

Ahhhhhhhh.... there still is some sanity in the world. 

Thank God. 

H/T MySA.com

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