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Fox News vs. CNN

While both CNN and Fox News are supposed to give viewers the news, they sure love to spend a lot of time focusing on each other. 

CNN media critic Brian Stelter is straight up obsessed with Fox News. He often points out the tiniest of FNC's errors, while ignoring bigger ones on CNN. 

Yesterday, Fox News showed they are aren't scared of taking weak shots at the other side as well. 

In a story posted online, Fox News twisted the words of CNN's Jake Tapper and turned it into a story to make Tapper look bad. 

"CNN anchor Jake Tapper said the Islamic phrase "Allahu akbar" can be said "under the most beautiful of circumstances" just minutes after a terrorist attack in New York City...." the Fox News story starts out. 

That is what Tapper said, but it was certainly not in the context. 

Stelter says that he emailed Fox News, "to ask if it would be deleted and if an on-air apology would be issued."

No word if Jake Tapper's Mom also emailed Fox, or just Stelter acting on her behalf? 

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