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Bill O'Reilly Paid Out $32 Million Bucks to One Woman

Look, by now, everyone already knows that for Fox News host Bill O'Reilly is a pig. 

O'Reilly was fired from Fox News as sexual harassment claims continued to stack up against him. 

O'Reilly claims that it was nothing more than a smear campaign by the "far left" to get him fired from Fox News. 

The New York Times has come out with another story about O'Reilly and they report that he paid a former Fox News contributor $32 million dollars in a settlement. 

The Times reports that in January of this year, O'Reilly paid former Fox News Legal Analyst Lis Wiehl a $32 million dollar settlement to drop all claims against him. 

After he paid out the massive sum, in February Fox News signed him to a new contract. According to The Times, Fox News knew of the settlement at the time that signed O'Reilly to a new deal.  

21st Century Fox says that in O'Reilly's new deal, the contract emphasized that provisions were added to the new contract that allowed for his dismissal if new allegations or other relevant information arose. “The company subsequently acted based on the terms of this contract,” the statement said.

In other words, forget what happened in the past.

Not exactly the new "women-friendly" that Fox News now claims it is. 

O'Reilly claims that the new story in the Times is nothing more than another smear attempt. He had his spokesperson release a statement where he claims, "In its latest diatribe against Bill O'Reilly, the Times printed leaked information provided by anonymous sources that is out of context, false, defamatory, and obviously designed to embarrass Bill O'Reilly and to keep him from competing in the marketplace."

Of course, if that is all true, then why isn't Bill O'Reilly attorney at the courthouse right now filing a lawsuit against the NY Times? 

Grethen Carlson, the woman that got the sexual harassment ball rolling at Fox News isn't buying O'Reilly's bullshit: 

True words may have never been tweeted. 

O'Reilly took to Twitter to say that his "investigative team" is on the case and he will address it further. 

From 2002 to 2017, the Times says that O'Reilly has settled up with 6 different women at Fox News. 

If O'Reilly really wants the truth out there, why doesn't he waive the confidentiality agreement with all 6 women and let them tell their story?

If he's innocent as he claims, this should be no problem. 

But, like Carlson says, nobody pays over $30 million bucks for false allegations. 

Here is the sworn affidavit that Wiehl signed before collecting her HUGE payment:

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