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This Seattle Station Should Be Ashamed

You have all seen this on social media, you're clicking your way around Facebook or Twitter and you see one of those, "7 Things you should know about dating", or "7 things you should know before going to the supermarket."  Then you get the "No. 4 will blow you away."

Well someone at Cox' owned KIRO in Seattle figured that would tease a story on Twitter in the same way click sites tease a trip to the grocery store. 

It was the sad story of a 2-week old baby, that was found dead in the woods and this is how KIRO teased the story on social media. 

Needless to say, the viewers thought that the posted story was callous and lacked any class:

Someone at KIRO needs to learn that a dead baby found in the woods is not the same as "7 things you need to see before heading to the car wash."

Shaking my head...