You Don't Say...
While Donald Trump has pretty much given up on going on CNN, his wife Melania has not.
By most accounts, Melania Trump went into hiding after her speech at the RNC. Parts of the speech were lifted from Michelle Obama's DNC speech years early. After Melania was called out on the speech, she was rarely seen and almost never spoke.
Until last night.
Trump sat down with both CNN and Fox News yesterday to try and help stem the tide against her husband and his awful remarks towards women. Many in the Trump camp thought only way to calm the waters, was to parade out Melania.
CNN's Cooper asked Trump what she would focus on as a first lady?
Trump responded that she'd like to help counter the meanness and damage done by social media: "We need to guide them and teach them about social media, because I see a lot of negativity on it, and we need to help them..."
Mean tweets? Whatever could this women be talking about?
Oh that.....