What's Up with You Dude?

What's Up with You Dude?

Just over a week ago, after 12 years as a subscription site FTVLive.com relaunch as a free site once again. 

That opened the site and myself up to a large group of people that never heard of me or the website. A number of those new people have emailed me asking questions about the website and myself.

I have tried to email those people back, the emails having been piling up and it is getting harder and harder to do. So I will answer them here in a new segment called "What's Up with You Dude?"

The emails and answers after the bounce

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The Buckeye Gym

The Buckeye Gym

I have never been the kind of person that likes to go to the gym.

I don't like spending the money for a membership and I don't like working out around other people. It seems like when you workout at a health club it's more like being in a bar.

I was a member at one health club and I remember I would see the same guy everyday when I went there. He would be there for hours and not once did I ever see him do a single exercise. He would just walk around and try and hit on the women in the club.

Read the full story after the Jump

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I'm Coco for Coconut Water

I'm Coco for Coconut Water

As I have said before, one day after looking at a picture of myself, I knew that I needed to get healthier.

I look at the photo and I saw a fat slob. I knew there was nothing I was going to do to get rid of the slob....but the fat was something I could take care of.

Better (but not great) eating habits, bike riding and working out has help me drop 20 pounds and feel much better.

Living in Florida I had become almost addicted to drinking sweet tea. I mean.... damn that stuff is good. In the South, sweet tea is made with a couple of tea bags, water and about a pound of sugar.

I don't know fore sure, but I guessing there is more sugar in sweet tea that a dozen Krispy Kremes.

I knew I had to cut out the soda and the sweet tea if I wanted to drop some lbs.

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Cutting the Cord

Cutting the Cord

You hear about it often... people that give up Satellite or Cable TV and just use the over the air signal.

For the past 6 months that is exactly what I have done.

I have 7 flat screen TV's in my house. I noticed that over the years I was watching less and less TV, so, I knocked my DirecTV  service down to just one TV.

I had the middle tier package and the DVR service.

One TV and my bill was $97 a month. 97 bucks for just one fricking TV!

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Hitting the Road

Hitting the Road

Back at the end of October, a friend took a picture of me on the golf course so I could look at the position of my arms at the top of my golf swing.

I was Shocked!

Not at my golf swing (that looked OK) but at how FAT I was! In that picture! I was as heavy as I have ever been. There was no hiding it, I was a fat slob.

I knew then I needed to do something. I told myself that starting November 1st, I was going to start working out.

You can never start a diet or working out the next day, you have to set the date. That way I had one more week to eat whatever I wanted and just pack on some more pounds. 

More after the jump

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The (Boring) Life of FTVLive's Founder

Welcome to ScottLand!

This is the boring part of the website, because it is about the stuff going on in my life. This is the place on FTVLive where I will tell you about behind the scenes stuff going and I can speak my mind.

If you have trouble sleeping, this is the place for you. If this page doesn't put you to sleep, nothing will.

Most days FTVLive is uploaded most from my office just outside Jacksonville, FL.

Here's a picture of my office:


The great thing about running a website is I can work from anywhere I have a connection to the Internet. I have posted updates from Restaurants, Airplanes and even the Golf Course (where I spend a lot of time).

Feel free to come back and visit ScottLand whenever you want. I will tell you about all the "exciting" things going on in and around my life and I will also give you a heads up on some of the things I am working on for the rest of FTVLive.com.