I don’t know about you, but I’m already sick of the 2024 election, despite being a year and a half away. When I watch local or national news, I see stories in which one side blames the other. I see how when a candidate gets elected, he/she will investigate the other side and right all the wrongs lobbed against their side. Talk to your viewers and I can assure you that 90% don’t care about all that. They want to have a government that works for them. One that looks to bring insurance rates down. A government that can help bring down inflation and make their dollar go further. When the media speaks with a candidate or current politician, and that person starts to attack or blame the other side, the Reporter should stop them right there. What if the Reporter said this, “You can attack and blame the other side, but I can assure you, none of this will be used in my story. I’m asking you, what are YOU going to do to fix the problem?” “You can blame the other side, but isn’t it your job to work with the other side? The voters elected people on both sides of the aisle and they expect you to work together to address the problem. I see you blaming Jane Doe, but when is the last time you visited Jane’s office and tried to have a conversation with her?” Do you think casting blame will solve this issue?” Imagine if, every time a politician or candidate started to blame the other side, the Journalist stopped them and asked what they are going to do. Voters want answers, they don’t want excuses and casting blame. I know it makes for a sexy soundbite when a politician goes off and attacks the other side, but Is it accomplishing anything? Watch cable news, and all you see is a politician come on an opinion host’s show and blame the other side. The opinion host has just nods along, because they are not a Journalist, and they could care less about getting real answers. That is your job! Whether you’re talking to a politician on the local or national level, you are the voice of the voters. You need to ask the questions and when it becomes the blame game, you need to get that person back on point. Many of you work for stations in which the brand is “We hold the powerful accountable.” Maybe It is time you really do that.